Ing. Stefan Pircher, BA MA MA
Curator and custodian Museum ARGENTUM

Study programme:
- Bachelor’s programme Classica et Orientalia
- Master’s programme in Ancient History and Ancient Oriental Studies
- Master’s programme in Archaeology (all at the Karl-Franzens-University of Innsbruck)
- Doctorate in Archaeology of the Roman Provinces at the University of Cologne
Research interests:
- Cultural mediation in tourism
- transitional periods
- Ancient settlements
- Burial rituals in antiquity
Professional experience:
- Excavation management and project positions at the University of Cologne, Paris Lodron University Salzburg and Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck
- Founding member and project manager for the Archaeological Research Network Innsbruck (AFIN)
- Key worker in several non-profit employment projects for the regional association Nockregion-Oberkärnten.
Laura Lucia Pösendorfer, MA BA
Deputy Curator Museum ARGENTUM

- Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in classical and provincial Roman archaeology at the University of Graz
Research interests:
- Cultural mediation of archaeological topics, small Roman finds, settlement archaeology
Professional experience:
- Excavation worker, as well as deputy excavation manager for various projects in Styria and Carinthia,
- Treasurer for the non-profit association Archaeological Research Network Innsbruck
- Supervision of amateur archaeologists
Simon Lindner
Museum guide, employee in the area of museum quality seal and depot management

Study programme:
- Karl-Franzens-University, Ancient History and Archaeology (ongoing)
Research interests:
- Cultural mediation especially in relation to provincial Roman/Celtic settlements